Interview with two audience members; Red and Blue profile.

For the purpose of this blog I interviewed two audience members. One who had a blue profile and the other who had a red profile.

I asked them four questions and they responded as follows;

Overall, how did you find your experiences as an audience member at You’ve been tagged?

Blue Profile audience member:  “I really enjoyed it, I kind of got everything that you were trying to do. It was interesting to look at, I didn’t get bored seeing as we were standing around for a long time. Because of all of the visuals you had and the interlinking stories, I found it really interesting to watch”.

Red Profile audience member:  “It were really enjoyable, I like the way that you executed your multimedia , I understood the story and how it were portrayed within a nightclub, it was executed so well  it should have been a Chinese film”

What was your favourite part of the performance/ room?

Blue Profile audience member: “I think my favourite room was the room after we went in the VIP section we went into the other smaller room, there was a bidding war on the different actresses that were part of the performance, but it was all linked towards the cyber references that you included. On the screen you had peoples profiles coming up, and you did a lot of audience participation, I thought that worked really well”.

Red Profile audience member: “ I quite enjoyed the dancing and the selling of the computer programs”.

What profile were you given, did you like the route that you went down in the performance and what was your own experience?

Blue Profile audience member: “I was the blue profile, so we got to stay and watch the dancing that was on the screen, and I thought that was really good because obviously the way you’d edited the multimedia was excellent, certain characters were still still around, it felt like we as blue profile were still seeing the main characters perform as they were on a screen in front of us. I really liked the element where the characters were deactivated. I was happy that I didn’t go down to the basement because I don’t like small spaces”.

Red Profile audience member: “My profile was red and I went down into a dark basement, it was dark and scary. I enjoyed it, I enjoyed how well executed it was, and how well rehearsed it looked”.

If there was anything that we could have changed in the performance to make it better for you as an audience member, what would that have been?

Blue Profile audience member: “ The only thing that could have been changed was the fact that you couldn’t always hear what people were saying. But because of the environment the performance was in, which wasn’t a normal performance space, it counteracted it. Maybe being connected to microphone would have dealt with that issue. Otherwise I thought everything went really well. The storyline was very good and very imaginative, the tech aspects were very innovative, overall I thoroughly enjoyed the performance!”.

Red Profile audience member:  “I think that you should have taken the people with the blue counter downstairs to the cellar, and the people with the red counters back upstairs so that both audience divides saw all aspects of the performance”

From the information I gathered from these interviews it is clear that our performance came across as enjoyable and our multimedia ‘well executed’. The two audience members stated that their favourite rooms were the Spam room and the auction that took place within it. Though in contrast, the fact that the audience members ‘couldn’t always hear’ what was being said means that if we were to perform again we would focus on the projection of our dialogue.

In addition, the idea that the red profile audience member wanted the audience to see ‘all aspects of the perfomance’ means that we could consider changing our end section so that this becomes possible.

The interviews were given to Sarah Roberts and Jordon Chalmers, both drama students at The University of Lincoln.



By Emma Rogers

2 Replies to “Interview with two audience members; Red and Blue profile.”

  1. I agree with Christy. The interprations were almost as valuable as the performance itself. Different experiences with the virtual world really reflect in their interpretations.

  2. I love the amount of different opinions gained from the performance, especially as we heard different ideas of what our performance meant to them. I found it interesting how different these opinions were, especially as people had different endings to our piece so they discussed amongst themselves the two ending narratives.. It was nice to relfect peoples own opinions as it gave our performance new ideas for the facebook narrrative. This also prove our intention for spectators creating their own intentions of the narrative.

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